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Ingrid Reiki

Who I Am and What I Do

I'm Ingrid, a certified Reiki Master and the sole healer of Stargazer Reiki. New York born and raised, now residing in Northern California, I'm in love with nature and slowing down, but haven't lost my loud and large personality.

Growing up, I became very accustomed to an emotionally unstable environment. From anxiety and depression to anger and identity issues, I have seen the toll of being blind to the idea that help really can be around the corner. This results in my compassion, respect, and drive to help those who struggle with these types of obstacles. 


I discovered reiki at a low point in my life, and have seen the immediate effect it can have to flip your own script. Years after my first reiki experience, I had this jolt through my body that I needed to study reiki. I listened. I learned more, discovered more, and found another way of life. A better way of life. I shed light on those that need strength to step forward into self love, self confidence, and the desire to be their best selves.

My Mission

I believe that through more love and healing within ourselves, the more happy our world can become.

We can't give what we don't have, and we can't become what we can't see.


It's my mission to show that it's beautiful to be unique, it's strong to want to grow, and healing is something that everyone deserves, no matter where in life you might be.

Stargazer Reiki

The Stargazer Story

What's in a name?

I moved to California from New York under not the best circumstances, and had to roll with the punches of a new life. I always wanted to live on the west coast, however not under the pretenses of how it happened… but the universe works in mysterious ways, and I landed where I was supposed to be.

I was alone a lot, but so excited about the redwoods and the beach being so close by. I began finding myself, going to the beach at night, listening to the waves or what I now consider my life’s soundtrack in my ears, looking up at the stars.

I arrived at a pivotal point in my life where I needed to move on from my long term relationship at the time. That decision’s consequence would be letting go of my whole lifestyle and nearly everything I knew, but I knew I had grown, and it was time.

That night I drove to the beach, tears in my eyes, knowing that the next steps would be some of the scariest and most daring of my life. It was about to be the first time that, physically speaking, all I had was myself to lean on.

I sat at the beach on the cliffs, listening to the waves, looking up at the stars. The beautiful stars that aren't hidden by pollution or lights. The ones who always told me that everything would be okay, because they are here and so much larger than I. I had no plan. No place to live. No idea where I was going to go from there. The stars told me, I’d figure it out. It was time to reinvent my life. So I did. 

This is why I named my business Stargazer Reiki. We’re all on a journey, and sometimes our journeys can be scary, however if you do what you have to do to better your life, and heal from what you need to heal from, everything will be okay. And sometimes, that starts with gazing up at those beautiful stars. 


We are all little stargazers, each gaze being a thought of bettering ourselves. What are you waiting for? 

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